Can I Preserve Diesel Fuel I Bought Ahead of Time?

Can I Preserve Diesel Fuel I Bought Ahead of Time?

Can I Preserve Diesel Fuel I Bought Ahead of Time?

A common question many of our commercial clients ask us is “Can I preserve diesel fuel I bought ahead of time?” With more and more businesses using backup generators in the event of a storm or power outage to keep their operations running smoothly, they have begun purchasing diesel fuel ahead of time.

This fuel might sit for weeks, months, or years before it is actually used in a generator or another piece of equipment. Once the fuel is ready to use, can you trust that it will still be clean? Diesel Dialysis explores this frequently asked question in today’s post.

Use a Fuel Stabilizer

The standard practice these days for fuel that is being stored is to add a fuel stabilizer to the fuel. Fuel is exposed to oxygen, water, and contaminants that harm the fuel and prevent it from operating efficiently. When you add a fuel stabilizer to the diesel fuel as soon as it is delivered it can extend the life of the fuel by months and sometimes years.

Monitor the Fuel

It is vital that you monitor the fuel you have elected to store. Keeping an eye on the fuel for problems, such as sediment buildup and water intrusion can make it easier to resolve the problem before it’s too late. The biggest problem companies face when storing diesel fuel is the buildup of microbes. Microbes need very little water to start growing. The more often you look for water, and the quicker you remove it, the less microbial growth you will experience.

You need to keep your eyes open for microbial growth. These signs include the following:

  • Changes in the appearance of the fuel

  • Changes in the physical qualities of the fuel

  • An increase in the filter being plugged by sediment and other items

Checking for water in the fuel tank should be done every month. You’d be surprised at how quickly water can enter the tank and contaminate the fuel. You should check for microbial growth quarterly and have the microbes removed as soon as they are discovered.

Schedule an Appointment for Service Today

The health of your diesel fuel tank is vital to the operation of your business, especially when you have fuel stored for an emergency. Call Diesel Dialysis today at 856-470-7705 to schedule an appointment for service. Whether you need water removed from your tank, microbes removed, or the fuel polished; Diesel Dialysis will be able to handle the project from start to finish.