
What is Fuel Polishing?


Diesel fuel polishing is the process in which water and contaminants are removed from fuel in storage tanks, to maintain and often improve the integrity of the fuel. For years, water was unable to emulsify in stored diesel fuel. The high sulfur content worked as a preservative for the fuel and there was no need for polishing. The sulfur content of todays diesel fuels have changed, making it susceptible to water absorption and rapid breakdown. Government regulations mandate a reduction in sulfur content in order to reduce its negative impact on the environment. Additives such as lubricants, de-icers, and even biodiesel are commonly added to prevent the fuel’s functionality from being compromised, but these additives can also increase the fuel’s ability to absorb water and will substantially shorten the shelf life.

On average, diesel fuel left untreated, has a shelf life of about 6 months before it begins to break down. The fuel will begin to oxidize and varnish will begin to form. Bio diesel will begin to breakdown in less than 3 months. Fuel suppliers commonly add up to 5% biodiesel to every shipment. This can be the beginning of a long and expensive relationship with your fuel supply. Regular sampling, polishing and treatment is needed to prevent damage to your equipment.

Many business such as hospitals, data centers, public utilities and municipalities have large amounts of diesel fuel stored on site for a wide variety of uses. In the power generation industry, the fuel supply is commonly overlooked. Service providers often promote the maintenance of your engine and electrical systems, yet almost all of the time will ignore the most critical part of an emergency generator, the fuel supply. Only after a failure or "upsell" opportunity arises, is the fuel supply even considered.

In the emergency generator industry, many times and outage will only last for a few minutes to a couple of hours, and fuel supply issues are frequently overlooked. Only when the system is exposed to an extended outage are those fuel issues brought to light. Are you prepared for an extended outage of several days? Ask yourself if your fuel supply is prepared to keep your business running when the power goes out for a week after natural disaster. Sampling and a regular fuel polishing program can and will give you the clean fuel supply that you need! Don't wait until it’s too late! Contact us today for a free consultation and evaluation of your fuel supply!

Diesel Dialysis serves businesses in various industries throughout New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Hospitals, schools, townships, sewer authorities, retail stores, and malls are just some of the businesses for which we provide fuel cleaning services. Don’t hesitate to call or email us to request service at your convenience. Read more about Diesel Dialysis, fuel polishing, and our services in our bi-monthly blog.



See examples of what could be in your diesel tank.

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home Heating oil

yes, we can clean your home heating oil tank as well.

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